January 6, 2022 – COVID



Happy New Year to everyone!  Games this weekend are still going forward as scheduled, with the exception of Calgary at Rochester.


We wanted to share an update with everyone in regards to positive Covid cases around the league and give a reminder of the implications that follow a positive test.


Positive Covid tests in the NLL by week

  • Week 1: 0
  • Week 2: 3
  • Week 3: 8
  • Week 4: 19
  • Week 5: 24

In total we have had 54 players test positive since the start of the season and the numbers continue to climb daily.  So far, the majority of these cases happened during the Christmas/New Year’s break; however, this should serve as a reminder to everyone that we need to be abundantly cautious in light of the omicron variant and how contagious it is.  We understand that everyone is in different situations and needs to balance their personal lives with playing in the NLL.  We hope you will find the below information helpful:


Please see the below management of symptoms flowchart:


Covid pay for a positive case (full side letter agreement attached)

  • If it has been more than 10 days since you were in-person with the team to perform NLL duties the team shall have no obligation to pay your salary until you are cleared to play. For clarity, this provision does not apply after a player tests negative on a pre-travel test on Thursday, starts travelling on Friday and tests positive upon arrival or at some other point before returning home. If 10 days have elapsed and you test positive on the pre-travel test on Thursday the player will not be eligible for Covid pay.
    • Players will initially be paid 50% of their salary and 50% of missed work pay (50% of $125 per day) if they cannot work remotely. At the end of the season players will be paid an additional 17% of their salary and 50% of missed work pay if they can’t work remotely.
      • If the total cost of the additional payment at the end of the season exceeds $70,000 then players will receive a pro-rata portion.


Return to Play (RTP) after a positive case

  • The decision on clearance to play will be at the discretion of the Team Physician in coordination with the Club Medical Team. It must be stressed, however, that local health jurisdiction rules may supersede NLL RTP guidelines.
    • Subject to more stringent local health jurisdictional rules, typical RTP would be 5 days of isolation and clearance from your team physician. Once you are cleared you will not have to test for 90 days following a positive test if you can provide proof of a positive COVID-19 molecular test (not antigen).
  • International and domestic travel restrictions could still cause a player to miss a game.
  • Please see the below flow chart for guidance:

Positive Test Scenarios Away From Home

If you are able to travel home to isolate following a positive test the team will not be responsible for any costs associated with isolation. If you are unable to travel home, teams will be responsible for reasonable accommodations and food during isolation.


Canada to the US by air

  • Following your local health authority’s mandated isolation period, you will be able to fly into the US with proof of a positive test and a physician’s note which states you are cleared to leave isolation and travel.


Canada to the US by land

  • When entering the US by land, you should have with you proof of vaccination, as well as proof of a positive test and a physician’s note which states you are cleared to leave isolation and travel.


US to Canada by air

  • After testing positive, you will not be able to fly from the US into Canada until 14 days have passed after the date of the test. For example, if you test positive on December 28th, 14 days must pass (Dec 29-Jan 11) before you may fly into Canada on January 12th. You will require proof of a positive molecular test between 14-180 days old to re-enter Canada with a positive test result. This will change to 10-180 days on January 15th.


US to Canada by land

  • If entering Canada by land or sea within 14 days of your positive test result, and you are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, a person registered under the Indian Act or a protected person, you may enter Canada subject to the following requirements:
    • You must only take private transportation (your own car)
    • You must wear a mask
    • You must follow the mandatory isolation requirements (isolate for 10 days from the date of arrival into Canada)
    • You must answer questions asked by a Government of Canada employee during the 10-day period
    • You must have a suitable place and plan to isolate
    • You must follow the provincial or territorial restrictions upon entry
    • You must use ArriveCAN to submit your information
  • If you are symptomatic and/or do not have a viable quarantine plan upon entering Canada by land, please consult your club prior to attempting to enter Canada. Please also show a willingness to comply with all instructions by the border agent and isolation requirements upon entry


Testing Following a Positive Test

Players will not have to test for 90 days following a positive test if they are able to show proof of a positive molecular test (not an antigen test).


Thank you and stay safe,


Reid Reinholdt

Vice President & Executive Director


National Lacrosse League Players Association

P: 604-897-5517

E: [email protected]